Sean Connery keeping things simple and classy |
Rule #1: There are 3 times you should wear a bowtie
1) Weddings. Nothing is classier than a sharp tuxedo with a black bowtie. Take a tip from Mr. Connery and leave the brightly colored vests for the prom -- black tie means black tie. Yes, neckties have become increasingly popular for tuxedos. While in the right setting they can look sharp, err on the side of caution here and stick with what is tried and true. We suggest investing in a quality tuxedo early. For the combined price of rentals over time, you could find yourself a quality tailor to fit a worthy tux.
2) A day at the races or the college football stadium. Traditions are traditions, and we at Hemingway Today are all for maintaining raceday and gameday classics. Subtly patterned bowties are encouraged.
3) The wise and experienced physician, or educator. For the rare breed of doctor practicing into their finer years: don't change a thing. Nothing speaks more to medical expertise than the rare bowtie walking around the wards. Bowties for the distinguished professor are also encouraged. For young academicians and physicians however, we suggest laying off the goods until you've written some Pulitzers or saved a few lives.